Sunday, January 6, 2013

EdenFantasys The Sexy Lingerie They Carry

I was surfin around on EdenFantasys today just seeing what I could get next. Well I have been workin on a diet lately and have already noticed I have lost some weight which I'm so happy about. Due to this I figured what could help my self esteem more than to dress a little sexy sometimes even if its just for me. I don't know about everyone else but I can wear lingerie and feel a bit sexy without anyone around. So I was lookin at this cute little dark lookin nurse outfit and I just love it mainly cause it gives a dark side to nurses. I recently got me some custom fangs so I thought those would look so hot with this outfit as well. Can you imagine it a dark nurse coming to take blood from you but not in a traditional way but a erotic way of biting you first. Anyways I love that with this company you can explore the darkest fantasies or just keep to basic lingerie either way no one needs to know unless you want them too. EdenFantasys carries so many things just like this lingerie costume I found they are all marked at great prices. They car sex toys, books, lingerie, vibrators and so much more. I recommend checkin out the plus size section lingerie too cause very few companies remember us bigger women but no worries where they forget EdenFantasys does not leave us out and they are all great priced as well.

The pics below are of how cute this outfit is whether you buy in plus sizes or regular still love how it looks.

It is $47.59 in any sizes Darque nurse

Also check out their facebook and twitter.

I'm compensated for this post for a gift certificate. This is my 100% opinion and may not be agreed on by all. Facebook does however have nothing to do with this post.

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